
who we are . . .

When our 16 year old son, Ethan Thomas, took his life in September 2018, we made it our mission to raise awareness about good mental health and suicide prevention. Ethan’s Purpose Foundation was started with donations from the community, along with part of Ethan’s college fund.


Debbie meeting with Conner High School counselors to plan for small group and individual counseling sessions that will be funded by Ethan’s Purpose.

Debbie meeting with Conner High School counselors to plan for small group and individual counseling sessions that will be funded by Ethan’s Purpose.

What we’re doing . . .

Our foundation supports local school’s efforts to support students who have anxiety, depression, grief, and struggle to fit in socially. We help provide individual and group counseling and help supply schools with Social Emotional Learning curriculum for their students.


School counselors from North Pointe Elementary and Thornwilde Elementary meet to plan Social Emotional Curriculum and small group counseling sessions that will be funded by Ethan’s Purpose.

School counselors from North Pointe Elementary and Thornwilde Elementary meet to plan Social Emotional Curriculum and small group counseling sessions that will be funded by Ethan’s Purpose.

How we are doing it . . .

Funding for Ethan’s Purpose continues through fundraisers throughout the year. Ethan was a wonderful kid who struggled to find his purpose in life. Although Ethan’s life was cut way too short for him to fulfill his purpose, we are doing so through Ethan’s Purpose Foundation.